Macquarie University Arts Precinct
Completed: 2020
Value: $130 Million
The Arts Precinct Project supports the new Strategic Vision of the Faculty of Arts, consolidating the previously separated Departments of this Foundation Faculty, the largest at Macquarie University, in a new complex of three buildings linked with a central student and staff focussed courtyard and an innovative ETFE roofed Atrium space. The new complex provides a public facing centre for the University's significant History Museum, which combines collections of Ancient Cultures and Modern History and the important Numismatics collection. The Faculty's extensive community welcoming Languages Centre is linked to the collaborative meeting & group work space created in the new central core of the redeveloped Arts Tower wing via an interactive Inter-cultural Experience space and the outdoor Atrium. The new collaborative cores of the two major buildings contain open stair and foyer spaces, visually and physically linking all levels of both buildings. This creates an environment that will facilitate the student, staff and community interaction fundamental to the Faculty's new Strategic Vision in a visually exciting complex supported by extensive indoor and outdoor social and working spaces.